‘Southern Exposure’ Highlights BallenIsles Charities Foundation 2015 Grant Awards
BICF Director Mark Freeman with Habitat For Humanity Chief Development Officer Amy Brand and grants writer Stacey deLucia.
By Mark Hopkinson
Thirty area organizations with extraordinary local community programs were awarded financial grants totaling a record $290,000 by the BallenIsles Charities Foundation (BICF) during a heart-warming charity reception earlier this month at BallenIsles Country Club.
The “Helping to Make a Difference” financial grants bring the foundation’s total charitable contributions made since its formation in 2011 by residents and members of BallenIsles Country Club to $865,000.
“We could not achieve the progress we have been making, without the kind generosity of BallenIsles residents and the local businesses which support our mission to help the many worthwhile organizations in Palm Beach County that accomplish great things on very limited resources,” said BallenIsles Charities Foundation President Fred Corrado.