Did you know that over 15% of Palm Beach County residents are “food insecure?” This means that over 200,000 people, including 63,000 children, are unsure where their next meal is coming from….not so surprising when you consider that 57% of Palm Beach County students receive free or reduced-price breakfast & lunch during the school year.
Although 170,000 families, each month, receive food stamps in our “wealthy” county, they usually run out of these vouchers after 2 weeks….. Plus, in the summer, kids no longer receive free breakfast and lunch so hunger remains a daily challenge for many children. Fortunately, Northern Palm Beach County has numerous not-for-profit food banks, food pantries and food kitchens providing assistance to food insecure families. These organizations receive donations of surplus meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and non-perishable goods from meat processors, farmers and super-markets. In 2016, your BallenIsles Charities Foundation made grants to five organizations focused on providing food to
hungry families.